Home Health The Importance of Professional Ear Cleaning for Optimal Ear Health

The Importance of Professional Ear Cleaning for Optimal Ear Health

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The Importance of Professional Ear Cleaning for Optimal Ear Health

Earwax, also known as cerumen, is a natural substance produced by the ears to protect and moisturize the ear canal. While it’s important for ear health, too much earwax can generate problems such as decreased hearing, earaches, and even infection.

One solution to this is ear cleaning, but it’s important to have it done professionally to avoid injuring the ear or causing further issues. In this article, we will debate the benefits of professional ear cleaning and why it’s important for optimal ear health.

The Benefits of Professional Ear Cleaning

Professional ear cleaning offers a variety of benefits for ear health. Here are just a few:

  • Safe and Effective: A trained professional will know the best techniques and tools to use for ear cleaning, ensuring that the procedure is safe and effective. At-home methods, such as using cotton swabs or hairpins, can cause damage to the ear canal and even push wax further into the ear, leading to more problems.
  • Painless: Professional ear cleaning is typically a painless procedure. Trained professionals know how to clean the ears gently and carefully, without causing discomfort.
  • Prevention of Infection: Excess earwax and debris can create a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to ear infections. Professional ear cleaning can help remove this excess wax and prevent infections from occurring.
  • Improved Hearing: When the ear is obturated with wax, it can lead to hearing loss or a decrease in hearing ability. Professional ear cleaning can help improve hearing by removing any obstructions in the ear canal.

At-Home Professional Ear Cleaning: Is It Safe and Effective?

While it’s important for ear health, too much earwax can cause problems such as obscure hearing, earaches, and even infection. One solution for excess earwax is ear cleaning, but is it safe and effective to execute at home?

There are many at-home ear cleaning kits and methods available, such as ear irrigation, ear wax softening drops, and even ear candling. However, it’s important to be aware when using these methods as they can likely cause more harm than good.

Ear irrigation, for example, includes using a syringe or bulb to flush out the ear with water. While it may seem like a simple solution, it can be dangerous if not done accordingly. Water that is too hot or too cold can cause damage to the ear, and using too much force can cause injury to the eardrum. As well, attempting to flush out earwax without proper training can push the wax further into the ear, leading to more problems.

Ear wax softening drops can also be harmful if not used as instructed. Using too much or using them too frequently can lead to the earwax becoming too soft, leading to blockages in the ear canal.

Ear candling, a method in which a cone-shaped candle is placed in the ear and lit, is not only ineffective at removing earwax but can also be dangerous. The National Institutes of Health warns that ear candling can cause burns, blockages, and even perforations in the ear drum.

In conclusion, it is generally not safe or effective to perform professional ear cleaning at home. It is important to seek out the services of a trained professional to guarantee the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

5 Signs It’s Time to Seek Out Professional Ear Cleaning Services

  1. Earache or Ear Pain: If you are experiencing ear pain or discomfort, it could be due to a blockage in the ear caused by excess earwax. A trained professional can safely remove the blockage and provide relief.
  2. Hearing Loss or Decreased Hearing Ability: If you are experiencing hearing loss or a decrease in your hearing ability, it could be due to a blockage in the ear caused by earwax. Professional ear cleaning can help improve hearing by removing any obstructions in the ear canal.
  3. Itching or Irritation in the Ear: Excess earwax can cause itching or irritation. A professional ear cleaning can help remove the excess wax and provide relief.
  4. Dizziness or Vertigo: Earwax blockages can cause dizziness or vertigo as the ear is responsible for the balance. A professional ear cleaning can help alleviate these symptoms.
  5. Discharge or Drainage from the Ear: If you are experiencing discharge or drainage from the ear, it could be a sign of an ear infection. A professional ear cleaning can help remove any excess wax or scrap that may be contributing to the infection.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek for services of a trained professional for ear cleaning. They will be able to safely and effectively remove excess earwax and address any underlying issues.


Will insurance cover ear wax removal?

Some insurance plans may cover the cost of ear cleaning as it is considered a preventive healthcare measure. It is always best to check with your insurance provider and the facility where you will be receiving the service to determine the exact cost.

What happens if you don’t clean your ears for years?

If you don’t clean your ears for an extended period of time, earwax, dirt, and debris can build up in the ear canal and can lead to a number of problems, including hearing loss or decreased hearing ability, earaches or ear pain, itching or irritation, dizziness, or vertigo.

Will ear wax naturally come out?

The ears are designed to clean themselves, as the movement of the jaw during speaking and chewing helps to push earwax from the ear canal towards the opening of the ear. As a result, earwax typically exits the ear naturally without the need for cleaning in most cases.

In conclusion, professional ear cleaning is an important part of maintaining good ear health. It can help remove excess earwax and prevent issues such as hearing loss, earaches, and infection. While the ears are self-cleaning to an extent, it is important to seek out the services of a trained professional for ear cleaning to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

It is generally recommended to clean your ears every 3-6 months, or as needed. Consult with a healthcare provider for specific recommendations based on your individual needs. Taking care of your ears is an important part of overall health and well-being, so don’t neglect this important aspect of self-care.


I am passionate about helping others live their best lives through informative and relatable content. I have a knack for breaking down complex topics and presenting them in a way that is easy to understand and applicable to everyday life.

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I am passionate about helping others live their best lives through informative and relatable content. I have a knack for breaking down complex topics and presenting them in a way that is easy to understand and applicable to everyday life.